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ImageDupeless Tutorial

User interface

The contextual pop-up menu

The contextual pop-up menu is caused by the right mouse button in the left or right panes of the main window.

Menu item

Find duplicates

Reduplication of the main menu item of the same name: starts the procedure of search of duplicates in the gallery with preliminary setting the search parameters.

Find duplicates of current image

Clearing the current list of duplicates and search of the images similar to the current (highlighted) one in the gallery. The result is the list of duplicates including a group of the images similar to the current one (or the empty list if no duplicates were found). The current values of program settings are used during the search. The item is shown in the menu only if there is a highlighted image.

Find duplicates of external image...

Opens the dialog to select a file with external image, then cleans the current list of duplicates and find the images similar to the given one in the gallery. The result is the list of duplicates including a group of the images similar to the given one (or the empty list if no duplicates were found). The current values of program settings are used during the search.

Find duplicates of external images...

Reduplication of the main menu item "Compare with new images": starts the procedure of comparison of external images with the current gallery. Another gallery can also be a source of the external images.

Mark automatically...

Reduplication of the main menu item of the same name: starts the procedure of automatic choice of improper duplicates with preliminary setting the marking rules. The item is shown in the menu only if there are found duplicates.

Clear window of duplicates

Reduplication of the main menu item of the same name: clears results of the last search of duplicates. The item is shown in the menu only if there are found duplicates.

Clear window of unlike images

Reduplication of the main menu item of the same name: clears the user-defined list of unlike images. The item is shown in the menu only if the list of unlike images is not empty.

Discard all marks

Results in removal of marks from all the gallery images. The item is shown in the menu only if there are images marked for removal in the gallery.

Delete selected images from disk

Reduplication of the main menu item of the same name: deletes the selected images from the gallery and disk. The item is shown in the menu only if there are images marked for removal in the gallery.

Delete selected images from gallery

Reduplication of the main menu item of the same name: deletes the selected images only from the gallery keeping them on the disk. The item is shown in the menu only if there are images marked for removal in the gallery.

Show current image

Runs a registered program for viewing the current (highlighted) image. The item is shown in the menu only if there is a highlighted image.

Show current image in the gallery list

Scrolls the right pane of the main window so that the string displaying information about the current image would be in its center. The item is shown in the menu only if there is a highlighted image.

Show information about current image

Runs built-in informational dialog displaying parameters of the current (highlighted) image. If the image is available (the on-line mode) the dialog additionally shows and allows to edit its description from the file "descript.ion" (when it is present in the directory with the current image). The information stored in the file is taken into account when operations with the image (such as removal, moving, replacement) are executed in the on-line mode. Working with the files "descript.ion" is possible only in the registered version and is optional (see the parameter "Process descript.ion files"). The item is shown in the menu only if there is a highlighted image.

Mark/Unmark current image for deletion

Marks the current (highlighted) image for further removal or unmarks it if it has been marked. The item is shown in the menu only if there is a highlighted image.

Export[Import] image lists to[from] text file

Reduplication of the main menu item of the same name: exports/imports the lists of duplicates and unlike images to/from an external text file.

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Copyright © 2002-2012 Oleg Tarlapan.