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ImageDupeless Tutorial

User interface

The main window

The left pane of the main window functions in three modes: the mode of displaying the gallery (the tool button 11 is pressed, the menu item "View/Show gallery" is marked), the mode of displaying the duplicates (the tool button 12 is pressed, the menu item "View/Show duplicates" is marked), and the mode of displaying the unlike images (the tool button 13 is pressed, the menu item "View/Show unlike images" is marked). In the first mode the pane displays thumbnails of all the gallery images. In the second mode the pane displays thumbnails of the similar images grouped rowwise (one row of thumbnails corresponds to one group of the similar images), or textual information about the gallery, if search of duplicates was not accomplished yet. In the registered version of ImageDupeless the rows of duplicates are sorted in ascending order of a level of difference of the images in the row. In the third mode the pane displays thumbnails of the images that are unlike according to user's opinion, or textual information about the gallery, if the user selects no unlike images. The unlike images are grouped rowwise according to that how the program groups them in the list of duplicates. The right pane of the main window contains the textual list of the gallery images, which displays paths to files with the images, sizes of the files and resolutions of the images. Unary clicking by the right mouse button on the left or right panes causes popping up the contextual menu.


1 The number showing a level of difference of images in a group (percentage). 0% - identical images from the point of view of the program. The given number is not shown in the modes of displaying the whole gallery and displaying the unlike images.
2 The bar to the left of a group is painted by blue color gradations depending on the degree of similarity of the images. 0% (maximum similar ones) - the bright blue color; at reduction of similarity the number above the bar grows, the blue color turns pale. Double clicking by the left mouse button on the given bar causes start of the window for comparison of two images (either two images marked in the group or the first pair of images in the appropriate group, provided that less or more than two images have been marked). In the unregistered version the double click functions only for the first pair in each group. The given bar is not shown in the mode of displaying the whole gallery. The bar is painted by red color in the mode of displaying the unlike images.
3 The thumbnail of an image. Unary clicking by the left mouse button on the thumbnail marks the appropriate image (see item 5). Unary clicking by the left mouse button on a marked thumbnail removes the mark. Double clicking by the left mouse button on the thumbnail causes start of a registered program for viewing the appropriate image (see options). In the unregistered version the double click functions only for the first pair of thumbnails in each group.
4 The file size (kilobytes) and image resolution (pixels). They are displayed if the corresponding options are set.

The red tick in the top left corner of a thumbnail marks the corresponding image. The image is marked with unary clicking the left mouse button on the appropriate thumbnail. Unary clicking by the left mouse button on a marked thumbnail removes the mark. Having marked equally two images in one group (row of thumbnails), one can start the window for comparison of the given images with double clicking the left mouse button on the blue bar to the left of the group (see item 2). Selecting the menu item "Tools/Delete selected images from disk" or pressing the tool button 10 results in deletion of the marked images both from the gallery, and from the data medium. Before deletion of the image files a warning will be displayed if the corresponding option is set. Selecting the menu item "Tools/Delete selected images from gallery" results in deletion of the marked images only from the gallery (image files are kept on the disk).

6 The name of the file with the image. It is displayed if the corresponding option is set.
7 Pressing the crosshair in the bottom left corner of a thumbnail results in deletion of the appropriate image (both from the gallery and from the data medium) in the modes of displaying the gallery and the duplicates and in exclusion of the image from the list of unlike images (its renewal in the list of duplicates) in the mode of displaying the unlike pictures. Before deletion of the image file a warning will be displayed if the corresponding option is set. The crosshair is displayed if the corresponding option is set.
8 If there is the word "Off-line" in the bottom left corner of a thumbnail, it means that the appropriate image is absent on the data medium (for example, it is on a removable disk (CD) or it was deleted after creation of the gallery). There are a number of features of working with "off-line" images.
9 Pressing the given button over a pair of neighbouring thumbnails causes start of the window for comparison of two appropriate images. In the unregistered version the button functions only for the first pair of thumbnails in each group. In the modes of displaying duplicates and unlike images the given button is shown if the corresponding option is set. The given button is not shown in the mode of displaying the whole gallery. The button is also not shown if at least one image of the corresponding pair is absent on the data medium (off-line).

In the mode of displaying the duplicates each row of thumbnails contains a group of the images (two or more), which are considered by the program as similar ones according to the given criterion. In the mode of displaying the unlike images each row of thumbnails contains a group of the images, which are considered by the program as similar ones according to the given criterion, while the user marks them as unlike ones.

11 When the mouse pointer is positioned on an area free from thumbnails, the status bar displays: amount of images in the gallery and its real size (the size occupied by the images on the data medium) in the mode of displaying the whole gallery; amount of found duplicates and amount of groups of the similar images in the mode of displaying the duplicates; amount of unlike images selected by the user and amount of their groups in the mode of displaying the unlike images.
12 The current image is marked with a violet frame. To make the image current one move the mouse pointer into borders of the appropriate thumbnail (navigation with key buttons is also possible) or select the appropriate line in the list on the right pane (see item 13). For the current image the status bar displays the complete path to the appropriate file. Pressing the key button "SPACE" results in start of a registered program for viewing the current image (see options). Pressing the key button "DELETE" results in deletion of the current image (both from the gallery and from the data medium) in the modes of displaying the gallery and the duplicates and in exclusion of the image from the list of unlike images (its renewal in the list of duplicates) in the mode of displaying the unlike pictures. Before deletion of the image file a warning will be displayed if the corresponding option is set.
13 An element of the list in the right pane displays: the number of an image in the gallery, path to a file with the image relative to the root directory of the gallery (the latter is shown in the list heading), size of the file (bytes), resolution of the image (pixels). If the program has found at least one duplicate for the given image and at the same time the user does not mark them as unlike images, the appropriate element of the list is marked at its left by a red tick. Unary clicking by the left mouse button on an element of the list marks the appropriate image as current one (the left pane is automatically scrolled so that the appropriate thumbnail has been visible, the given thumbnail is marked by a violet frame, see item 12). Double clicking by the left mouse button on an element of the list causes start of a registered program for viewing the appropriate image (see options). Unary clicking by the left mouse button on the heading of a list column results in sorting elements of the list in accordance with contents of the given column (repeated clicking results in sorting in the opposite direction).
14 If there is a certain image similar to one of presented in the list of unlike images, then in the mode of displaying the duplicates the program will display only one image from the group of unlike ones in the left pane, having marked it by the green arrow (clicking on this arrow allows to thumb through the corresponding group of unlike images). The operations with such "pseudogroups" are limited. The given element is not shown in the modes of displaying the whole gallery and displaying the unlike images.

Notice: at each new search of duplicates results of the previous search (the current list of duplicates) are cancelled (as against the list of unlike images, which can be changed only manually).

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